
Are there bats in Japan?

The Okinawan Least Horseshoe Bat, one of the endemic species found in central and southern Ryukyu Islands of Japan. Credit: Kyoto University/Island Bat Research Group Here's a fun fact: Japan has more bat species than any other order of mammal in the country, and a third of these are endemic.

What does a Japanese House Bat look like?

The Japanese house bat or Japanese pipistrelle ( Pipistrellus abramus) is a species of vesper bat. An adult has a body length of 3.6–4.8 cm (1.4–1.9 in), a tail of 2.9–4.0 cm (1.1–1.6 in), and a wing length of 3.2–3.6 cm (1.3–1.4 in). It prefers to roost under the ceiling or inside the roof of old buildings.

What is a Ryukyu tube-nosed bat?

The Ryukyu tube-nosed bat (Murina ryukyuana) is endemic to Okinawa, Tokunoshima, and Amami-Oshima and one of the critically understudies bats in Japan. Credit: Kyoto University/Island Bat Research Group Data disclosure is imperative, he continues.

What's the difference between a red bat and a tube-nosed bat?

The difference here is two-fold. First, the Ussurian tube-nosed bats appear to seek out snow specifically. And second, red bats might be under snow for a week or two, while the tube-nosed bats observed in the new paper seem capable of much greater feats.

